The New House of Communication
The New House of Communication
The New House of Communication
The New House of Communication
The New House of Communication
The New House of Communication
The New House of Communication
The New House of Communication
The New House of Communication
The New House of Communication
The New House of Communication
The New House of Communication


The New House of Communication

Signage System

Serviceplan Group

The new House of Communication of Serviceplan Group gives well over a thousand employees from a wide range of cultures, nations and communication disciplines common home and is simultaneously an open meeting place for conferences, events and parties. In this open-plan space concept, a typographic- and design-driven orientation and branding system provides direction and creates a strong sense of identity. It is based on a new typeface, the ‘Service’, which is also woven into a 160-metre-long, 6-metre-wide light carpet – an architectural eye catcher that celebrates language and communication.

iF Gold Statement

This signage system for the offices of Serviceplan, Germany’s largest group of advertising and communication agencies, is designed to provide orientation and imbue the sprawling interior with a strong sense of identity. Since those who work here are themselves design and communication specialists, an extra touch of refinement was needed to capture their attention and imagination.
Date of Launch
Development Time
Target Regions
Target Groups
Trade / Industry