Light Frieze
Light Frieze
Light Frieze
Light Frieze
Light Frieze
Light Frieze
Light Frieze
Light Frieze
Light Frieze
Light Frieze
Light Frieze
Light Frieze
Light Frieze
Light Frieze


Light Frieze

Façade installation

The "Light Frieze" of the new building for the Kunstmuseum Basel produces its effect through the symbiosis of stone and light. Designed to be an integral part of the architecture, it subtly enlivens the building's brick façade with words and graphic elements. The 3 m high frieze encircles the building at a height of 12 m. Its horizontal joints are cast in shadow by the incident daylight, yet can be precisely illuminated by white LEDs. For the viewer, a play of light and shadow emerges, which is fleeting and yet seems to be as solid as the masonry itself.

iF Gold Statement

This project was a joy to observe. It was a great experience to discover the subtle but strong contrast simultaneously. The jury was fascinated to discover the logic hidden between the bricks. Also, the innovative way of blending modern technology and the historical context is very much appreciated.
Client / Manufacturer

Kanton Basel-Stadt Hochbauamt

Basel, CH
iart ag

iart ag

Münchenstein / Basel, CH

Christ & Gantenbein

Basel, CH

Multivision LED-Systeme GmbH

Marchtrenk, AT

ZPF Ingenieure AG

Basel, CH

Ludovic Balland Typography Cabinet

Basel, CH
Date of Launch
Development Time
"6 years"
Target Regions
Target Groups
Consumer / User