Xbox Pride Controller
Xbox Pride Controller
Xbox Pride Controller
Xbox Pride Controller
Xbox Pride Controller
Xbox Pride Controller
Xbox Pride Controller
Xbox Pride Controller
Xbox Pride Controller
Xbox Pride Controller
Xbox Pride Controller
Xbox Pride Controller
Xbox Pride Controller
Xbox Pride Controller


Xbox Pride Controller

Xbox controller

Microsoft Corporation

LGBTQIA+ people are underrepresented in games and often face discrimination when they play online—yet choosing who you want to be is what gaming stands for. To bridge the gap, we transformed an iconic Xbox controller into a symbol of inclusive gaming with expansive design.The first run of 100 Xbox Pride controllers featured 18 LGBTQIA+ community flags in a one-of-a-kind display seeded with top LGBTQIA+ players. Given its popularity, it’s now publicly available, celebrating 35+ unique LGBTQIA+ communities, with dozens of customizable components. Boosting allyship and awareness, the controller is a physical emblem of inclusive gaming worldwide.

Client / Manufacturer
Microsoft Corporation

Microsoft Corporation

Redmond, US
Microsoft Brand Studio

Microsoft Brand Studio

Redmond, WA, US

Team Xbox

Redmond, WA, US
Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 24 Month
Target Regions
Africa, Asia, Australia / Oceania, Europe, North America, South America
Target Groups
Consumers / Users