VR Ulm Experience
VR Ulm Experience
VR Ulm Experience
VR Ulm Experience


VR Ulm Experience

VR experience (project)

This is the first 3D world for the Birdly flight simulator. Through Virtual Reality, the user is invited to explore the historic city of Ulm, Germany in 1890. At the heart of our experience is the highest church steeple of the world, the Ulm Minster. Our aim was to create a real-time VR experience that gives tourists the opportunity to explore the historic city from a bird’s perspective. Over a period of six months, the designers modeled, textured, and placed around 2,000 historically correct houses and 6,000 further objects, added spatial sounds and flight wind. Since its opening, each month thousands of people have fulfilled their very own dream of flying like a bird.

iF Gold Statement

This incredible 3D virtual flight simulation takes you to Ulm in 1890. With fantastic details and a humanistic and sensitive use of technology, it makes you want to try it out yourself. We see this becoming a pioneer and being extended to other similar experiences.
Client / Manufacturer

Interactive Media Foundation gGmbH

Berlin, DE

Interactive Media Foundation gGmbH

Berlin, DE
Demodern GmbH

Demodern GmbH

Hamburg, DE
Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 months
Target Regions
Specific country/region: Germany
Target Groups
Consumer / User