#Unhate  – Through Artistic Intelligence
#Unhate  – Through Artistic Intelligence
#Unhate  – Through Artistic Intelligence
#Unhate  – Through Artistic Intelligence
#Unhate  – Through Artistic Intelligence
#Unhate  – Through Artistic Intelligence
#Unhate  – Through Artistic Intelligence
#Unhate  – Through Artistic Intelligence
#Unhate  – Through Artistic Intelligence
#Unhate  – Through Artistic Intelligence
#Unhate  – Through Artistic Intelligence
#Unhate  – Through Artistic Intelligence
#Unhate  – Through Artistic Intelligence
#Unhate  – Through Artistic Intelligence


#Unhate – Through Artistic Intelligence

Immersive Interactive Media Installation

Deutsche Telekom AG

The #Unhate Experience is an artistic intervention to counteract the omnipresence of hate in digital spaces. The result is a peaceful statement that raises awareness of the need to be more considerate to each other. With the help of artificial intelligence, real online hate speech is transformed into aesthetic pieces of art and thus deprived of its toxicity. Together with AI Artists we have developed three Artificial Intelligence systems - Mindful, Playful and Progressive - each one opening up a completely different aesthetic world. The generated artworks are posted as replies to the original hate posts, thus initiating an #UNHATE movement.

Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 Month
Target Regions
Target Groups
Consumers / Users