Mobile Clinic Module Control UX/UI
Mobile clinic isolation ward
KAISTKARE MCM is a mobile negative pressure isolation ward. It was designed to help hospitals with insufficient isolation beds in an emergency by easily setting up the ward nearby. In the design process, designers, medical staff, and manufacturing companies worked together to create an optimized ward. It was guided by a co-creative process that involved medical staff and patients who will actually use the ward. As a result, KARE MCM addresses all aspects of functionality, efficiency, cost, usability, and emotional satisfaction, reflecting the needs of all healthcare professionals and patients.
Client / ManufacturerDesign
Daejeon, KRInition Inc.
Gangnam-gu, KRKAIST MAKinteract Lab.
Daejeon, KRKAIST CIDR Lab.
Daejeon, KRKAIST Next Interface Lab.
Daejeon, KRDate of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 months
Target Regions
Specific country/region: Republic of Korea
Target Groups
Other target groups: Medical Staff / Engineer / Patient