Calligaris CODE
Calligaris CODE
Calligaris CODE
Calligaris CODE
Calligaris CODE
Calligaris CODE
Calligaris CODE
Calligaris CODE
Calligaris CODE
Calligaris CODE


Calligaris CODE

Brand identity

Calligaris CODE is an incubator of projects that originates from the cooperation between Nascent Design and Calligaris. Young and upcoming designers were asked to create a collection of objects. Calligaris CODE stands for Complements Design, products inspired by the “Smart Attitude” philosophy of Calligaris. Nascent Design defined the concept for the collection, its strategy and the entire visual identity. Starting from the logotype, the tasks included the creation of an online / offline communication infrastructure.

Client / Manufacturer

Calligaris SPA

Udine, IT
Nascent Design

Nascent Design

Milano, IT