9 Jul 2024

The winners of the iF SOCIAL IMPACT PRIZE 1_2024

iF Design supports twelve social initiatives worldwide with EUR 50,000 In the first half of this year, more than 1,300 applications for the iF SOCIAL IMPACT PRIZE were received from NGOs, foundations and other public and private social initiatives from 131 countries. More than ever before.

Twelve of them were awarded the iF SOCIAL IMPACT PRIZE 2024 in the first round and received a total of EUR 50,000 in funding. An international jury consisting of ten experts from the social sector decided on the best and most worthy projects.

Since 2017, iF Design has been supporting outstanding social projects and initiatives worldwide with the iF SOCIAL IMPACT PRIZE with EUR 100,000 per year. The award is presented twice a year to projects that address the SDGs of the United Nations, i.e. the pressing challenges facing our society: from the fight against hunger and poverty to the promotion of sustainable agriculture, respect for human rights and the promotion of education. The selected projects are also presented on the iF Design website.

iF Design Managing Director Uwe Cremering is impressed by the projects and the creativity they show in finding solutions to the problems: "Never before had so many projects been submitted as this year. This clearly shows us what an important role design can play in solving social problems. The SOCIAL IMPACT PRIZE is a matter close to iF Design's heart. Supporting these projects is our contribution to a better, shared future in this world. We honor the people and organizations that are committed to these projects and offer them and their ideas a platform."

These twelve projects will receive a total of 50,000 euros as part of the iF SOCIAL IMPACT PRIZE:

1. Building safe homes for women leaving prison / Support for women released from prison in Kenya
2. PHL Reduction / Use of Solar Powered coldstores in East Africa
3. Culinary Community: Cooking Training Program /
Hospitality training for refugees in Athens
4. The Digibots / Digital training for young women and men in South Africa
5. Letters to Strangers /
Online correspondence platform for better mental health for young people worldwide
6. MedBrain / AI-based diagnostic support system used in Ethiopia
7. Omena: Breaking the cycle of emotional abuse /
Project against emotional abuse in Madagascar
8. Ability in Disability / Job platform for young disabled people in India
9. La Fábrica De Hobbies /
Center for Creativity and Entrepreneurship in Valencia
10. Agriculture Guide Program / Climate-friendly agriculture across Africa
11. Contratá Trans /
Website connecting transgender people with inclusive employers in Argentina
12. SOMA Surf - Proud Surfers of the African Women /
Surf therapy and women's empowerment program in Sao Tomé

The jury for the iF SOCIAL IMPACT PRIZE 2024 is made up of international experts:

Clara Bazán Ceo, Managing Director, Fundación MAPFRE/Spain
Wadi Ben-Hirki, Founder Wadi Ben-Hirki Foundation/Nigeria
Christian Benimana, ArchDaily/Rwanda
Vivian Gomes, Co-Founder and Chief Design Officer, SHNORH/United States of America Aylin Groenewoud, Senior Experience Lead, Philips Experience Design/The Netherlands
Estella Haesoo Kim, Project Manager, Seoul Design Foundation/South Korea
Harald Machielse, CHUVA/ The Netherlands
Raffaella Perrone, Director, IED Barcelona/Spain
Guto Requena, Founder and Owner, Estudio Guto Requena/Brazil
Nicole Wilett, Social Impact Leader, Open Society Foundations/United States of America

Download the Press Release

For more information and images, please contact:

Joana Harmening

iF International Forum Design GmbH
Bahnhofstrasse 8 / 30159 Hannover
Tel: +49.511.54224-204