Munich Urban Colab – Space for the Unimagined
UnternehmerTUM GmbH
UnternehmerTUM and the City of Munich are building an innovation and business incubator for Smart City Solutions: the Munich Urban Colab. Starting in 2020, start-ups, corporate innovators, scientists and creative minds will work on technologies and services for the city of the future. The Bookazine has been published to communicate the approach during the construction phase. It explains the concept and strategy and introduces its theme and partners. The interaction of three parts, Munich-Urban-Colab and Start-Ups-Corporates-Creatives, and opens up areas of conflict with regard to the thematic focus Smart City Solutions.
Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 months
Target Regions
Target Groups
Consumer / User, Trade / Industry, Public Sector / Government, Other target groups: Science, Investors, Founders and Start-ups