Magnetic System
Magnetic System
ArkoslightIt all started with the Minimal track, a system of low voltage luminaries on a track that took miniaturization into a new paradigm. The 24Vdc allowed the micro size of a range of different spotlights. The challenge of the Magnetic started translating this new language into a recessed system. So, from the Minimal Track product family, our miniaturised spotlights have been consigned to a new installation system with an innovative recessed magnetic connection. The Magnetics system enables seamless integration of the wall or ceiling fastening so that the luminaire is the only star in the spotlight.
Client / Manufacturer

Ribarroja del Turia, ESRubén Saldaña Acle
Ribarroja del Turia-Valencia, ESRubén Saldaña AcleDate of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 Month
Target Regions
North America, South America, Africa, Asia, Australia / Oceania, Europe
Target Groups
Consumers / Users