Die Taucheruhr
Divers watch in water pac
Festina Uhren GmbHPeople who practice extreme sports are looking for that special something whatever they do and they have to be able to rely on their equipment 100%. How can we communicate reliability and the advantages of a waterproof divers watch? We believe in what we can see: maximum transparency of the packaging design shows the absolute confidence we have in our product. Thats why we submit the Festina Profundo to quality control directly at the Point of Sale: the watch is presented in a transparent bag filled with distilled water. In subjecting it to this visible test of endurance we can convince the customers of the watchs outstanding quality.
iF Gold Statement
A modern product for extreme sports fans in extremely modern packaging. It communicates the precise meaning and purpose of the diving watch and also looks very sporty and elegant. What a great iF gold award!