Augsburger Original
Label design
Tucher Bräu GmbH & Co. KG Brauereibetriebsgesellschaft
From assorted beer to specialty beer: the Hasen-Bräu brand has reinvented itself as the authentic, traditional beer of the city of Augsburg. The new brand concept can be experienced both in the new “Augsburger Haus-Preu” brewery and in the product itself. “Augsburger Original” naturally cloudy “Kellerbier” (cellar beer) is the first product brewed according to the new Hasen-Bräu philosophy. With its nostalgic packaging, it is presented as a fully-fledged specialty, a true original. The green, gold and brown label suggests handcrafted character. The taste of beer that echoes times long gone.
Client / ManufacturerDesign
Tucher Bräu GmbH & Co. KG Brauereibetriebsgesellschaft
Fürth, DE